As aging and disability community-based organizations (CBOs) explore new opportunities to engage in health care contracting work, they must properly assess both their internal readiness and external environments. For years, the Business Institute’s Readiness Assessment tool has helped CBOs determine how prepared their organizations are for entering into contracts with health care entities. And now, CBOs can take advantage of the Business Institute’s newest assessment tools to evaluate their external environments in preparation for health care contracting work.
While our Readiness Assessment tool continues to guide CBOs through the process of determining their level of internal readiness for health care contracting work, our four new downloadable assessment tools (External Market Analysis, Opportunity Assessment, Competitor Analysis, and Building the Business Case for Partnership) help CBOs evaluate environmental factors that impact the decision-making process for entering into contracts with health care.
As a springboard for important internal conversations among CBOs readying themselves for these partnerships, your CBO will gain the most by completing these assessments as an organization, rather than just by one person alone. In addition, while your CBO will benefit the most from completing all of these assessments, it is not necessary to use them concurrently or in any particular order.
All five of the Business Institute’s assessment tools are publicly available in one convenient location. Read more about our suite of assessment tools to learn how these tools can help your organization prepare for health care contracting.
These assessment tools were developed through a partnership between Collaborative Consulting and the Aging and Disability Business Institute, which is administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging.