The Aging and Disability Business Institute wants to hear from you!
In partnership with Scripps Gerontology Center of Excellence at Miami University, the Aging and Disability Business Institute (Business Institute) has launched its fourth CBO–Health Care Contracting Survey to collect data on the experiences of aging and disability community-based organizations (CBOs) such as Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living and more that are contracting with health care entities.
Responses to this survey are vital to the understanding of how aging and disability CBOs are working within an evolving health care market and adapting to new contracting opportunities and challenges. The Business Institute uses the information gleaned from the survey to develop resources that support CBOs at all stages of the health care contracting journey and to inform policymakers and health care professionals on the growing capacity of aging and disability CBOs for this work. Even CBOs that aren’t yet engaged in health care contracting work can participate in this survey—we want to get your insights, too.
To complete the survey, check your inboxes for an email from Robert Graham at on June 23. If your CBO hasn’t received a unique link, the survey is now available to all. Take the survey now!
As an added bonus, CBOs that complete the survey will be entered into a drawing for a complimentary registration of up to $700 for a conference of your choice!
If you have questions about completing the survey or are experience technical issues, contact the Survey Helpline at (855) 359-3033 or
Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your CBO’s valuable insights on health care contracting!