The John A. Hartford Foundation, the Administration for Community Living, The SCAN Foundation, the Gary and Mary West Foundation, the Marin Community Foundation, and the Colorado Health Foundation have united to fund a three-year grant to develop and establish the Aging and Disability Business Institute (the “Business Institute”), administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a). Under the grant n4a and ASA are collaborating on a webinar series to help prepare, educate, and support community-based organizations and health care payers to provide quality care and services.
A list of Business Institute webinars to-date can be found below:
Times of Transformation: The Changing LTSS Environment for the Aging and Disability Networks (June 29, 2016)
Finding Champions and Building Partnerships between CBOs and Healthcare Entities (July, 22, 2016)
Preparing Community-Based Organizations for Successful Health Care Partnerships: How to Make the Business Case (August 17, 2016)
A Promising Collaboration: Managed Care and Independent Living (September 21, 2016)
Tapping into New Payment and Delivery Models: An Innovative AAA-ACO Partnership to Improve Care and Reduce Costs (September 28, 2016)
It Takes a Community: Population Health Management for Members with Chronic Conditions and Functional Needs (October 13, 2016)
AAAs and Hospitals: Partnerships Toward Common Goals (October 19, 2016)
Leadership and Change Management for Community-Based Organizations (November 16, 1016)
Is My Organization Ready? Assessing CBO Capacity to Partner with Health Care Entities (December 13, 2016)
Expand Your Vision and Grow Your Mission! Driving Culture Change in Aging and Disability CBOs Looking to Work with Health Care Partners (January 9, 2017)
We Know We Do Good Work, Now What? How to Package your CBO Services to Attract Interest from Payers (February 17, 2017)
Addressing CBO Technology Troubles: Using HITECH Act Matching Funds to Support Adoption of Electronic Health Records by Non-Clinical Medicaid Providers (March 13, 2017)
Taking the Lay of the Land: CBO Market Analysis for Strategic Integrated Care Decision-Making (April 19, 2017)
New Medicare Enrollees: Opportunities for MA Plans and CBO Partnerships (May 8, 2017)
Cost-Modeling CBO Services for Healthcare Partnership Success (June 2, 2017)
MACRA and CBOs: New Opportunities for Engagement Abound (July 7, 2017)
HIPPA and HITECH Compliance for CBO−Healthcare Partnerships (August 16, 2017)
Taking Integrated Care Success to the Next Level: Statewide Innovation in Virginia (September 20, 2017)
The Social Determinants of Health: Key Factors in Creating Value Through CBO-Health Care Partnerships (October 25, 2017)
Working Together To Build A Network: MCP and CBO Collaboration in Arizona (November 29, 2017)
More Than Just a Partnership: Why a Hospital and a Community-Based Organization Joined Together to Provide Population Health (December 13, 2017)
The Flourish Care Model: Utilizing the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) to Implement A Shared-Care Approach to Health Care for Older Adults (January 23, 2018)
Diversified Business Planning for AAA Success: Healthcare Partnerships and Beyond (February 28, 2018)
The Age Friendly Health Systems Initiative: Building Community-Clinical Collaboration to Improve Care and Outcomes for Older Adults and Their Families (March 20, 2018)
The AIMS Model: An Approach to Addressing the Social Determinants of Health in Primary Care (April 24, 2018)
The CHRONIC CARE Act: New Opportunities to Advance Complex Care Through Community-Clinical Partnerships (May 30, 2018)
Measuring the Value of AAA Services: Results from a New Poll & AAA Perspectives (July 17, 2018)