Part of a six part series of Linkage Lab case studies developed by The SCAN Foundation, this Success Story highlights how The Institute of Aging (IOA) was able to develop a framework for successful partnerships with health plans.
IOA, based in San Francisco, California, serves older adults, people with disabilities and their caregivers in San Francisco, Marin, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. IOA’s mission is to enhance the quality of life of adults as they age by enabling them to maintain their health, well-being, independence and participation in the community.
IOA recognized that health plans were looking to community-based organizations (CBOs) as potential partners in reducing hospitalizations and lowering other costs of care. Maintaining a rich history in providing a variety of services to individuals with complex needs, IOA believed it had the potential to address these interests yet lacked the capacity and experience to demonstrate the value of its services. Additionally, IOA lacked the financial and analytical expertise needed to develop a comprehensive business plan to present to the health care sector.
To learn how the Institute on Aging was ultimately enabled to collaborate with the Santa Clara Family Health Plan, read the full Success Story below.