Part of a six-part series of Linkage Lab case studies developed by The SCAN Foundation, this Success Story showcases the Bay Area Community Services’ (BACS) goal to achieve a meaningful partnership with the health care sector.
BACS in Oakland, CA serves both older adults and adults experiencing mental illness, substance abuse and homelessness, primarily in Alameda County. BACS is committed to providing supportive wellness services as part of its mission to uplift underserved individuals and their families. Although BACS was able to establish methods of contact with older adults in need in Alameda County, it lacked formal engagement with health plans. A key objective for BACS Linkage Lab work was to acquire and institutionalize core leadership and management competencies that would permit it to enter into at least one contractual relationship with a health care payer or provider. Such a relationship would enable BACS to deliver cost-effective nutritional, case management and daycare services to older adults in Alameda County.
Read the Success Story below to learn how Bay area Community Services was able to develop key strategies and processes, tackle challenges and take away valuable lessons through its experience with The Linkage Lab.