Billing Codes and Data Exchange 101
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Data, Billing and Coding: What AAAs, CBOs and Networks Need to Know
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) new health related social needs (HRSN) screening— at the hospital inpatient level and with physicians — are providing Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), and community-based organizations (CBOs) with opportunities to expand partnerships with health clinicians to better serve clients and caregivers. The opportunities also require agencies to manage social determinant of health data and technology standards and workflow realities that exist when sharing care between health, post acute and social care eco-systems. This webinar series will provide information about the new opportunities to partner with health clinicians, and the related data, information exchange and related billing/payment models being advanced by CMS.
Billing Codes and Data Exchange 101
Join this webinar to learn about the basics of billing codes, data sets and information exchange critical to working in the integrated care landscape, including key terms and actors in the coding and data exchange space. Experts in the data and standards world will explain why these issues are critical for AAAs, CBOs and networks addressing health-related social needs through contracts with health care entities.