In the elusive quest to achieve the Triple Aim of improved care, better health and lower costs, it is becoming increasingly evident that strategic partnerships between the healthcare sector and community-based organizations (CBO) are an especially promising practice that can move the needle on care and cost challenges.
In Arizona, an innovative collaboration between Mercy Care, an Aetna-administered nonprofit health plan, and the Area Agency on Aging (AAA), Region One, is making major inroads toward these goals, delivering on the promise of integrated, person-centered care for vulnerable populations.
By working together to identify and implement AAA services that support Mercy Care’s members, the partnership benefits both organizations, deepening a relationship that increases community trust, bolsters organizational capacity and makes a real and positive difference in the lives of older adults and individuals with disabilities. Listen to this November 29th, 2017 webinar to learn how these forward-thinking partners built and maintain their strong connection across the care delivery spectrum, and pick up tips and advice on how you can help your organization plan for, support and grow relationships with healthcare payers.
Barbara Hill, R.N., Nurse Supervisor, Mercy Care Plan, an AETNA company
Chad Corbett , Vice President of Long Term Care, Mercy Care Plan, an AETNA company
Melissa Elliott, M.S., Vice President of Programs and Services, Area Agency on Aging, Region One, Phoenix, AZ
View the resource: Working Together To Build A Network: MCP and CBO Collaboration in Arizona
View the resource: Working Together To Build A Network: MCP and CBO Collaboration in Arizona (Recording)
View the resource: Working Together To Build A Network: MCP and CBO Collaboration in Arizona (PDF of Slides)