The world of health and long-term-care delivery is shifting from the fee-for-service model to one of pay-for-performance, where providers of all stripes are incentivized to focus on the value they bring to patients, as well as the healthcare system’s bottom line. Innovative and forward-thinking community-based organizations (CBOs) are poised to step up to the challenge and capitalize on sustainability and service opportunities presented by new policies that encourage the integration of social and medical services.
But before you can sit in the driver’s seat, you need to know the road. Having a well-informed, clear-eyed understanding of the health and long-term-care payment and policy environment in your area is a critical first step down the path to successful CBO–health entity partnerships.
During this April 19, 2017 webinar, created for the Aging and Disability Business Institute and hosted by the American Society on Aging (ASA) hear from leaders of the Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio (COA), a business-savvy Area Agency on Aging (AAA) that has fully embraced the changing reimbursement landscape. COA has deep experience with surveying their market and using insights from the process to spotlight new growth opportunities. Speakers cover how to identify your organization’s “products,” analyze the market for them, develop market strategies, and more.
Suzanne Burke, MBA, President and CEO of Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio
Sharon Fusco, VP, Business Services Group, Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio.
View the resource: Taking the Lay of the Land: CBO Market Analysis for Strategic Integrated Care Decision-Making
View the resource: Taking the Lay of the Land: CBO Market Analysis for Strategic Integrated Care Decision-Making (Recording)
View the resource: Taking the Lay of the Land: CBO Market Analysis for Strategic Integrated Care Decision-Making (PDF of slides)
View the resource: Taking the Lay of the Land: CBO Market Analysis for Strategic Integrated Care Decision-Making (Transcript)