Let’s Work Together To Improve Care For Older Adults With Complex Needs


This February 2017 Health Affairs article, written by The John A. Hartford Foundation President, Terry Fulmer, provides an excellent overview of the state of care delivery for older adults with complex health and social needs. The piece highlights the gaps in the current care infrastructure, emphasizing and advocating for a renewed and robust focus on understanding patients’ needs and intentionally coordinating their care across many different settings.

Fulmer calls out the The Playbook: Better Care for People with Complex Needs, an online resource which curates information on improving care for this critical population. The Playbook provides tailored information to help health systems, insurers, policy makers, and others to access case studies, analyses, and information on promising care models and policy opportunities for testing, spreading, and replicating these models nationwide.

Tackling care delivery and payment challenges associated with the rapidly growing population of individuals with complex chronic issues is critical to creating a more person-centered system that is responsive to the unique needs and goals of older adults, people with disabilities, and those that care for and with them.


View the resource: Let’s Work Together To Improve Care For Older Adults With Complex Needs

View the resource: The Playbook: Better Care for People with Complex Needs