HRSA’s Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program and Area Agencies on Aging

The Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) supports the development of a health care workforce that improves health outcomes for older adults by integrating geriatrics with primary care, maximizing patient and family engagement, and transforming the healthcare system. These presentation slides, part of a session from the American Society on Aging’s 2017 conference, detail how this innovative program is working directly with community-based organizations (CBOs), including area agencies on aging (AAAs), to support older adults and build the competencies of providers across the aging and medical care landscape.


Topics Covered:

1. How GWEP participants are tapping into the AAA network to more fully achieve their mission of preparing the healthcare workforce for growing demand from older adult patients and their families.

2. Specific ways the Aging & Disability Business Institute can educate and provide assistance for AAAs looking to partner with the GWEP program.

3. Strategies CBOs can use to assess whether their organization is positioned to market their services in such a way that it positions them to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the GWEP program.




Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, President, The John A. Hartford Foundation

Jennifer Severance, PhD, Assistant Professor and Program Director, University of North Texas Health Science Center

Donald Smith, MA, Vice President, Community Development Division & Director, Area Agency on Aging, United Way of Tarrant County

Nora Super, MPA, Chief, Programs and Services, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)

View the resource: HRSA’s Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program and Area Agencies on Aging