Community-based organizations (CBOs) have a long history of supporting people with disabilities and older adults to live and thrive in the community, through a variety of funding structures. States are increasingly realizing the value of these organizations as providers and partners in their Medicaid-funded programs. At the same time, many states are partnering with Medicaid managed care organizations to provide long-term services and supports (MLTSS) and considering value-based payment structures for LTSS. This creates both opportunities and challenges for CBOs who have had experience serving individuals who need assistance to be able to live independently in their own homes.
During this March 2017 webinar, hosted by HMA Information Services , a panel of experts provided real-world strategies that CBOs can use to effectively expand access to their services, work with state Medicaid programs, contract with managed care, and ensure sufficient reimbursements. Tune in to learn about:
- Where CBOs fit within Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports, in an increasingly value-based and integrated healthcare landscape.
- Understanding the challenges in moving from grant-based funding to payment structures based on the development of networks, utilization management, and quality.
- Identifying various contracting strategies available to CBOs in dealing with Medicaid managed care health plans.
- Obtaining case studies of successful CBOs approaches to contracting and reimbursement, including tips on how to form networks of community-based providers.
- How to address back-office functions, reporting requirements, and IT challenges that come with managed care contracting arrangements or participation in a CBO network
Julie Hamos, Principal, Health Management Associates, Chicago
Marisa Scala-Foley, Director, Office of Integrated Care Innovations, Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Mary Kaschak, Deputy Director, Aging and Disability Business Institute, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Erica Anderson, Senior Director, National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
View the resource: How CBOs Contract, Receive Reimbursement for HCBS in Medicaid Arrangements – A Blueprint for Success
View the resource: How CBOs Contract, Receive Reimbursement for HCBS in Medicaid Arrangements: A Blueprint for Success (PDF of slides)