Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and other community-based organizations (CBOs) have the experience, community knowledge, and service delivery expertise to be valuable partners to traditional health care entities in the new value-based and accountable care environment. CBO services can and should be integrated into the wider clinical paradigm to achieve true person-centered, population-health goals that keep older adults and people with disabilities in their homes and communities for as long as they desire.
But working with new health care partners and payers will require a business learning curve for most CBOs, many of which are used to operating through grant and government funding. In order to be competitive in the new health care marketplace, CBOs need to know how to cost and price-model their services accurately, to ensure both marketability to potential payers, as well as financial sustainability once a contract is in place.
On this June 2nd, 2017 webinar, produced by the Aging and Disability Business Institute, an aging network business development expert will walk through the importance of cost and price-modeling, detailing the key steps and definitions in the process, and explain how correct pricing strategies can help CBOs achieve and advance their core mission while maintaining viability and even growth.
Learning Objectives:
• Comprehend the basics of various cost and price-modeling strategies for CBOs
• Understand how to translate their organization’s work into the elements of a price model
• Explain why developing a price model can benefit a CBO in today’s integrated care environment
Sharon Fusco, Vice President, Business Services Group, Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio
View the resource: Cost-Modeling CBO Services for Health Care Partnership Success
View the resource: Cost-Modeling CBO Services for Health Care Partnership Success (Recording)
View the resource: Cost-Modeling CBO Services for Health Care Partnership Success (PDF of slides)
View the resource: Cost-Modeling CBO Services for Health Care Partnership Success (Transcript)