With the goal to support growth in community-based organizations’ (CBOs)capacity to address emerging needs and diversify funding, this intensive, part of n4a’s 2016 annual conference, focused on building skills and knowledge across aging programs and business disciplines, while looking ahead to upcoming opportunities and the future of aging services. Topics covered include an overview of the integrated care landscape, new directions in VA-HCBS, and a primer on emerging alternative payment models (APMs) that CBOs can have impact within.
Marisa Scala-Foley, Director, Office of Integrated Care Innovations, US Administration for Community Living, Washington DC
Lori Gerhard, Director, Office of Consumer Access & Self-Determination, US Administration for Community Living, Washington DC
Tim McNeill, Independent Healthcare Consultant
View the resource: ACL-n4a 2016 Pre-Conference Integrated Care Intensive: Looking Ahead to Integrated Care
View the resource: ACL-n4a 2016 Pre-Conference Integrated Care Intensive: Looking Ahead to Integrated Care (PDF of Slides)