University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability (IOD) was invited by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and the Administration on Community Living to join the Trailblazer Learning Collaborative because of its designation as a University Center for Excellence on Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service (UCEDD). Laura Davie, director, and Melissa Mandrell represent the University’s Center on Aging and Community Living (CACL), which is a collaboration between the IOD and the Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP). CACL provides support to New Hampshire’s Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services and Aging Network by helping organizations test pilots, evaluate programs and outcomes, and disseminate best practices.
This Aging Today feature article is part of a series that highlights members of n4a’s Trailblazer Learning Collaborative for Advanced Business Acumen. It describes how CACL encourages and fosters collaborations between New Hampshire CBOs and healthcare entities, and the challenges it has encountered in doing so.
University Group Fosters Integrated Care Collaborations in New Hampshire