With your help, we learned in our 2017 Request for Information Survey that aging and disability community-based organizations (CBOs)* across the country are partnering with health care payers and providers to address social and behavioral determinants of health. With our partners at Scripps Gerontology Center, we reported our findings in a brief report and on the Health Affairs blog. Today, we are launching our second RFI Survey to learn more about CBO-Health Care Partnerships, and to find out how the contracting landscape has changed over the past year.
Learning more about the number of contracts CBOs have with health care partners, as well as what types of health care entities they are partnering with and what services they are providing, will help us and other stakeholders better understand the current landscape and increase the number, quality and sustainability of contracts between CBOs and the health care sector. We need your help to continue to build knowledge about, and capacity for, these important collaborations.
Even if you do not currently have a contract with a health care entity, we want to hear from you. Your responses will provide vital insights into training and technical assistance needs.
Please coordinate efforts within your organization to ensure only one survey is completed per agency.
The RFI Survey closed on July 20, 2018 and is no longer accepting responses.
Thank you for your participation, and for the incredible work you continue to do to serve older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers.
*Community-based organizations are defined as local organizations offering community living services and supports to advance the health, well-being, independence, and community participation of older adults and people with disabilities. Examples include Area Agencies on Aging, Aging and Disability Resource Centers, aging services organizations, behavioral health organizations, Centers for Independent Living, developmental disability organizations, faith-based organizations, Native American tribal organizations (American Indian/Alaskan Native/Native Hawaiian), nutrition program providers, University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research & Service, and other local service providers for persons with disabilities and/or older adults.