This study of the Area Agency on Aging 1-B Personal Care and Homemaking programs documented exceptional dedication, quality, value and outcomes:
- The majority of home care workers donate extra personal time and resources to consumers.
- 24/7 access to home care agencies helps prevent avoidable emergency medical service utilization and potentially saved $1.6 million in hospital costs and $220,000 in emergency department visits in 2011.
- 99% of consumers would recommend their AAA 1-B Care Managers to a friend or family member.
- AAA 1-B Personal Care and Homemaking providers deliver services at a cost to taxpayers that is 17% to 19% below private market rates.
- If all regions of the state purchase personal care and homemaking at the discount level that the AAA 1-B receives, the annual savings to the state and taxpayers is approximately $2.3 million for Michigan Office of Services to the Aging programs and $35 million for MI Choice.