Annotated Bibliography of Respite and Crisis Care Studies, 5th Edition

Citation: ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center (2020). Annotated Bibliography of Respite and Crisis Care Studies, 5th Edition.

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The literature demonstrates that respite care is widely recognized as a crucial element of a comprehensive plan to help family caregivers and care recipients. This the 4th edition of the annotated bibliography which was first published by the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center in 2018.  This edition adds new articles assessing the effects of respite on caregiver, care recipient, family, and societal outcomes and strengthening the evidence base. Studies were included if they provided information about how family caregivers, care receivers, families, or communities fared after receiving respite care. Relevant articles were included regardless of sample size and research methods used (e.g., studies using qualitative and/or quantitative data collection techniques, case studies, and cross-sectional, quasi-experimental or experimental study designs). The article summaries are grouped into the following seven areas: 1) respite targeted to children; 2) respite targeted to older adults; 3) respite targeted to adults with developmental disabilities; 4) respite targeted to multi-age groups; 5) caregiver support for Veterans and their caregivers; 6) literature reviews/meta-analyses of respite care studies; and 7) methodological issues in research on respite and caregiver interventions.