Evidence Bank Explanations and Instructions
What is the Evidence Bank? The Evidence Bank is a collection of research studies on common services provided by CBOs that demonstrate outcomes attractive to a health care partner. This collection is updated on a bimonthly basis.
What is the Evidence Bank for? A common barrier to contracting between community-based organizations (CBOs) and health care entities is a lack of data on the effectiveness of their programs. The purpose of the Evidence Bank is to provide a collection of research studies that CBOs can pull from to bolster their own pitches to health care entities.
How do I search for articles? Each resource includes the abstract and link to the article, as well as an indicator of whether the article’s full text is available for free from the publisher online.
You can target your search by filtering the categories below. Please note that categories are not mutually exclusive, and a study may have multiple tags within a category. You can also search by the date that the article was published.
- Services — The type of service. Includes
- Caregiving
- Care management/Care coordination
- Care transitions
- Dementia care
- Disease management
- Fall prevention/mobility
- Home modification
- Institutional transition
- Medication management
- Meals and nutrition
- Mental health
- Participant-directed care
- Social engagement
- Telemedicine
- Transportation
- Target Population — The program’s population focus.
- Adults Under 65 with Disabilities
- Asian, Asian-American & Pacific Islander people
- Black & African-American people
- Caregivers
- Immigrants and/or limited English proficiency
- Indigenous people
- Latino, Latina, & Latinx people
- LGBTQIA+ people
- Low-income individuals
- Older adults
- People with multiple chronic conditions
- People with serious behavioral health needs
- People with serious illness
- Key Outcomes –The types of outcomes found in the study. Outcome areas include:
- Cost (e.g., cost-savings, cost-effectiveness, return on investment)
- Experience of care (e.g., satisfaction, reporting high-quality discharge communication)
- Functional outcomes (e.g., activities of daily living)
- Health outcomes (e.g., self-rated health, symptom improvement)
- Health-related social needs (e.g., food security)
- Healthy behaviors/Patient activation (e.g., physical activity, efficacy, skills or confidence in self-management of health or caregiving)
- Quality of life outcomes (e.g., social, community and civic activities/inclusion, independence)
- Utilization (e.g., 30-day readmissions, emergency department use)
How can I use the articles?
Once you have identified the service you want to search for, you can incorporate the results of the research into your value proposition. Please refer to the resources below to help you develop a value proposition.
- How to Guide and Worksheet: Developing Your Value Proposition for Medicare Advantage Plans: Guide your organization through the process of developing a compelling value proposition and identify key elements that should be considered when developing a value proposition.
- Building the Business Case: Guides organizations through the development of a compelling case to use when approaching potential partners and contract discussions and will help organizations frame their value propositions in a way that will resonate with potential health care partners.
- Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator for Partnerships to Address the Social Determinants of Health: Can help you calculate the retorn on investment of the intervention and help you explore, structure and plan sustainable financial arrangements with your health care partner.
If you have a research article that you would like us to include, please fill out this form.