As new health care payment and delivery models encourage increased attention to and investment in care management and care coordination, community-based organizations (CBOs) are in a position to step in and furnish these services in an integrated way with health care partners. Often, however, a health system or plan will assume that they can and should build these capacities internally themselves using their own staff, or buy services from a third-party for-profit entity that provides care management. CBOs need to know how to make the case to health care partners that they are in fact the ideal collaborators on care management models. With their long history of community involvement and trust, intimate knowledge of populations appropriate for care management interventions, and expertise in program delivery, CBOs can bring great value to a health care partner.
On this webinar, CBOs will learn how to approach a negotiation with a health system or Managed Care Organizations (MCO) when they have decided to build their own care management program instead of buying care management from a Community Based Organization (CBO) partner.
The session also guides participants through examples of how for-profit care management programs are marketing to physicians to provide outsourced care management services.
View the resource: TIM Talks Webinar: Care Management – The Build vs Buy Discussion (RECORDING)
View the resource: TIM Talks Webinar: Care Management – The Build vs Buy Discussion (SLIDES)