To promote effective care coordination and quality care for older adults in rural areas, the Flourish Care model developed partnerships between primary care practices, local area agencies on aging and community coalitions as part of a federal grant to promote quality care for older adults. Flourish is a shared-care approach to healthcare and functions from the belief that health is more than just visiting a primary care physician and taking medications. It focuses on creating communities that encourage a shared-care approach to healthcare through education, partnerships, and support for patients, physicians and frontline workers in the community. The model uses health navigators to work with a clinical and community team to create a coordinated care plan, including community-based support services. It also educates older adults in the use of electronic personal health records to monitor their health. The presentation will share lessons learned from this partnership and report on preliminary results on care improvement for older adults with two or more chronic conditions. Two case studies will be presented to demonstrate how the Flourish Care model benefited rural older adults.
Viewers of this January 23rd, 2018 webinar will be able to:
• Describe Flourish Care, a shared-care approach to healthcare.
• List the lessons learned to create this shared-care approach to healthcare in a rural community.
• Understand the value of care coordination where both healthcare providers and community-based organizations work together to provide quality care to older adults.
• Understand the importance of addressing the social determinants of health when providing healthcare to older adults.
View the resource: The Flourish Care Model: Utilizing the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) to Implement A Shared-Care Approach to Health Care for Older Adults
View the resource: The Flourish Care Model: Utilizing the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) to Implement A Shared-Care Approach to Health Care for Older Adults (Recording)
View the resource: The Flourish Care Model: Utilizing the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) to Implement A Shared-Care Approach to Health Care for Older Adults (PDF of slides)