Many Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and community-based organizations (CBO) are looking for new sources of sustainable revenue (such as contracts with health care entities) for the services and supports they provide, in order to diversify funding streams and to best meet the needs of their communities’ older adults and persons with disabilities. But developing new partnership and revenue streams often requires AAAs to demonstrate the financial value that their services can bring to these partnerships. This web seminar presents the findings of a topical poll that investigated how AAAs measured the value of their services, and if their value proposition development has led to successful partnerships. The session also features speakers from two CBOs that have successfully positioned themselves for growth by leveraging the value of their services. This web seminar, which is aimed at employees seeking to motivate their organizations to implement/adopt community-based programs that address social determinants of health and improve health outcomes, reveals the best practices of effective community-based organizations.
Viewers of this July 17th, 2018 webinar will be able to:
• Understand the results of a mini-poll about the value measurement of AAA services;
• Describe how CBOs can use value measurement to position themselves to grow and to gain partnerships; and,
• Identify methods and strategies for measuring the value of CBO services.
View the resource: Measuring the Value of AAA Services: Results from a New Poll & AAA Perspectives
View the resource: Measuring the Value of AAA Services: Results from a New Poll & AAA Perspectives (Recording)
View the resource: Measuring the Value of AAA Services: Results from a New Poll & AAA Perspectives (PDF of slides)