In the era of integrated and accountable care, community-based organizations (CBO) are well-positioned to take advantage of opportunities presented by healthcare entities seeking social-service provider partnerships. Getting from “willing” to “ready” however, can take a lot of work and strategic business planning. CBOs need to assess their capacity among a number of operational and organizational domains that are important for successful healthcare collaboration, including culture, staffing, marketing, pricing, data collection and analysis, quality reporting, and others.
This December 13th, 2016 webinar, developed by n4a and the Aging and Disability Business Institute and hosted by ASA, features expert advice and tips on how a CBO can go about determining if it is ready to engage in healthcare contracting, what steps to take to begin this work, and the shift in perspective that can enable a CBO to evolve its business development practices to drive performance and demonstrate value in the changing healthcare landscape.
Abigail Morgan, M.S.W., M.L.S.P., Vice President in charge of strategic planning, provider relations, performance management and quality improvement, Akron/Canton AAA.
Timothy P. McNeill, R.N., M.P.H., Independent healthcare consultant, specializing in health program development and sustainability.
View the resource: Is My Organization Ready? Assessing CBO Capacity to Partner with Health Care Entities
View the resource: Is My Organization Ready? Assessing CBO Capacity to Partner with Health Care Entities (PDF of slides)