The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has released new resources from the Business Acumen Initiative to provide background on this work and to feature case studies from community-based organizations (CBOs) that highlight their activities to secure contracts and develop relationships with partner organizations. Launched in 2012, this program aims to strengthen the aging and disability networks from the inside, building their business skills and enhancing their effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.
The case study here highlights how Western New York Integrated Care Collaborative (WNYICC), a group of aging network providers, has been working together to make the most of emerging opportunities in the health care sector.
Check out this resource to learn more about how WNYICC formed its network organization to contract with health care partners.
View the resource: ACL Business Acumen Case Study: Building the Western New York Integrated Care Collaborative
View the resource: Read more about the work of the Western New York Integrated Care Collaborative in this report.