A Meals Program in Connecticut Keeps Cardiac Patients at Home and Out of the Hospital

Senior Nutrition Services, a division of New Opportunities, Inc., in Waterbury, Connecticut, is a meals and nutrition services provider that is embracing partnerships with the health care sector in order to improve the quality of life of its clients and bolster the sustainability and capacity of the organization.

This Aging Today feature article, part of a series that highlights members of n4a’s Trailblazer Learning Collaborative for Advanced Business Acumen, explains the “why” and “how” of Senior Nutrition Services’ outreach and collaboration with hospital partners on efforts to reduce readmissions. Check this story out to understand why speaking health care’s language is critical to CBO planning and partnership success, and pick up lessons-learned for how to approach potential partners and leverage existing programs into new opportunities.


A Meals Program in Connecticut Keeps Cardiac Patients at Home and Out of the Hospital