MCF Accelerating Business Capacity of Aging Service Providers Presentation on Negotiation

Collaborative Consulting, a firm specializing in building the capacity of community-based organizations (CBOs) and helping them build cross-sector partnerships, co-designed and delivered in partnership with the Marin Community Foundation (MCF), the MCF Accelerating Business Capacity of Aging Service Providers (ABC Initiative). The MCF ABC Initiative entailed three years of ongoing hands-on technical assistance as well as 15 CBO learning and development convenings, consisting of 67 sessions led by industry experts, peers and academics. This presentation on negotiation is from one of the convenings and is aimed to raise awareness around the process and practices that set skilled negotiators apart from the average and to encourage skill improvement by providing a framework for negotiation preparation.


View the resource: MCF Accelerating Business Capacity of Aging Service Providers Presentation on Negotiation