Health care providers increasingly recognize there is value in addressing their patients’ social service needs. This interactive session, from n4a’s 2016 annual conference, helped participants learn how to tell their organization’s story and package their “products” in ways that will help them get noticed and appreciated by health care payers. For example, learn why delivering a “Yes…and…” idea can be a valuable tool to demonstrate that you know how to deliver value to a health care entity. Presenters included representatives from health plans who discussed what they look for in a “pitch” from a community-based organization seeking to market its services.
Paul Cantrell, n4a Consultant, Charlottesville, VA
Maresa Corder, Strategic Consultant, Humana, Louisville, KY
Chad Piper, Director of Managed Long Term Services and Supports, AmeriHealth Caritas Iowa, Des Moines, IA
Laura Chaise, Senior Director, Long Term Services & Supports, Centene Corporation, Clayton, MO
View the resource: Managed and Integrated Care Bootcamp: Packaging Your Services: Telling Your Value Story
View the resource: Managed and Integrated Care Bootcamp: Packaging Your Services: Telling Your Value Story (PDF of slides)